Cougar Weekend

Anyone that knows my family knows that we are huge BYU Cougar fans. When I married Zac one of my stipulations was. When it is football season we have to get the games on cable so that I can watch them. Well this year was my lucky year. BYU was playing the University of Washington. I was so excited, because it was a long time since I have been to a game. I asked my brother to get Zac and I some tickets and it started a snowball effect. My brother Mark his wife and kids decided they need to come. Then my parents could not miss it. Then my other brothers thought they should come to. Then the next thing we know is I have an Aunt and Uncle and some cousins coming. So with my Aunt and cousins that live locally, and all of the rest of the family that came to Washington. We had 25 of us at the BYU vs. UW game. The game was awesome it was fun to sit with all of the cougar fans and feed off of everyone’s energy. The ending had us nervous but the cougars did it they pull out a win.
It was the best weekend ever to have all of my family here, except for Jenny and Zoey. We missed them but maybe they will all come back in two years when we play UW again. We were able to do lots of funs things together. You will have to look at the photos to see everywhere we went. Thanks everyone for coming and spending time with us.


care bear said...

It looks like you all had a wonderful weekend! I remember when BYU played against UW (for the first time, I believe because of the whole national championship deal - BYU had beat out UW for the title) in Provo (1985) I was there : ) it was thrilling and I am not even a big sports fan.

Go Cougars!

Reiko said...

Great photos and a fun weekend!!

The Other Osmonds said...

Sounds like you had a great time! And I bet you were in heaven! When are you coming back to see a game in Utah?

Spencer family said...

Fun Fun Fun!! What a fun time we had. Thanks for putting us up for the weekend! Can't wait to see you this Thanksgiving!