Freezer Jam

So today I attempted to make freezer jam. This is a first for me, I was able to get some help from my friend Melissa. The flavor of this yummy jam is marionberry and Raspberry combined. I had never heard of a marionberry until I moved to Washington and I have tried marionberry jam and loved it. We also have a berry farm not to far from us and they have the best berry's in the summer time. So Zac and I thought we should try it.

My mom always made Strawberry freezer jam when I was a kid and I love it. I can't wait till she comes in September so she can taste my yummy jam. I think we will have toast every day for breakfast.

Look at those yummy berries....

Look at the beautiful jam...

Look at the finished product...just call me Martha.

Look at all my Jam...Thanks Melissa it turned out great. Forget about bread an butter, anyone up for toast and Jam?


Jenn said...

Looks good! I LOVE jam! I need to learn how to make it too! Way to go!

Paije said...

Way to go Martha! Freezer jam is the best! Paije :)

Parri said...

That looks so good. Maybe you might need someone (maybe me) to taste test that jam for you.

Kim said...

Good job Shanna! I would never even attempt it.

Martha said...

No berries match the berries that you can get up in Washington! Shanna, I am very proud of you and can't wait to taste your jam!!!

Melissa said...

We are pretty lucky with our berries here in Washington, they are soooo good. When I was in Eastern Washington I saw what they call Rasberries and it was pretty embarrassing.

Spencer family said...

Sign me up to be one of your taste testers!! Looks like you're a pro!