Wilford Spencer

When we were in Washington D.C., I really wanted to go and see the World War II memorial. It was so beautiful, I hope you like the photos.

When I was growing up my dad would always share stories of my Grandpa Spencer from the war. I wanted to share one of his experiences, and thank him for being such a strong and brave person. I Love you Grandpa.

“D-day was a real test of courage. Wilford Spencer was assigned to Omaha Beach (the second most deadly front during D-Day). He was placed on the 8th wave of assaults and given 150# of high explosives to carry instead of a rifle. Any bullet would have destroyed him and everything within 30 yards had he been hit. Preparing for the launch to the beach he saw the dead and dying soldiers swept off the beaches by gunfire before they could reach cover. Landing crafts were destroyed before they even reached shore. Soldiers that jumped from the landing craft were often sunk over their heads and drowned from the weight of their loads due to the landing crafts inability to get close enough. Looking at the scene Wilford stated “I knew that I would never live to see the sun set that day.” Miraculously he survived. History reports that the first 6 waves of soldiers were killed and over half of the soldiers in the next 4 waves were killed before U.S. Troops were able to start establishing a beach head and maintain a hold on the beach. The next day his battalion advanced further than the U.S. Air Force anticipated, so American forces accidentally bombed Wilford and his companions for one full day before it could be stopped”.

Entrance to the Memorial on the Atlanta side.

The center of the World War II Memorial. Surrounded by columns of all 50 states.

The State Grandpa served from (Arizona).

A Star for each person that died in World War II.

Only Half of the Memorial, it was amazing.


Martha said...

Thanks for sharing your Grandpa Spencer's story. It was very touching! The pictures that you showed were great! What a magnificant place!

The Youngs said...

My grandpa also served and even though he survived he is sure messed up from the war.....they really never tell you the after effects of war but I have pesonally seen them in my grandpa.....A great thanks to all the men and women who fight and have given their lives for our feedoms.