Should we get a puppy?

So I have been thinking that I want to get a puppy. I have found one that I really like, it is a havanese breed. I would like one of the all white puppies in the photo they are both boys and I would call mine Max. I have talked to Zac about it and the problem is the puppy is $1,000 and Zac say that is too much, and that I could get it if it was only $200. So I thought that I would post a picture of the puppies that are available and see what you I completely out of my mind for wanting one or is Zac right because it does cost to much. Let us know what you think and who knows maybe we can get the puppy!


Angel said...

You so need to get this puppy- they are worth the money

MiLeZehn said...

Dude...$1000 for a dog...are you serious...

DebbPDX said...

I'll kick in a few bucks. Keep looking. You can find one, I bet, for less... from a breeder who might be desperate. Then you can get Pet insurance.

I love my dog SOOOO much, as you know. I only paid $350 for him, though.

Martha said...

The puppies are adorable! I'd check to see if you can get one cheaper. Max sounds like a good name!

For $1,000.00, Dad wants to know if it will help you with the dishes!

Anonymous said...

zac has spent rediculous amounts of money on "things" like headphones, tv's videogames, cell phones. why not spend rediculous amounts of money on a "friend". and yes, you read correctly $1000 for a puppy that doesn't sing and dance is crazy in my opinion. then again, $300 on headphones that sound good, or $1200 on a tv you put in your BEDROOM is insane. so, my vote is go for it because zac has done worse.

Jenn said...

Oooohhhh, they are SO CUTE! How can you resist? could probably find one for cheaper, but they are dang cute! What the heck...You only live once, GO FOR IT!!!

Anonymous said...

I think you should get one... good grief we all know my brother has made a few rediculous purchases in his past!
but I think that you migh be happier if you look around a bit... : ) Rissa

Spencer family said...

The kids say Yes! Mark says No! I say you're the one that is going to be taking care of it so it's up to you. If we ever got a dog for the kids ( Which we will most likely not because of Mark) I would get the dog that I want because I would be the one taking care of it!

Kathy said...

$1000, you have to be kidding!!! The problem is they are only cute little puppies for a short short time. I bet Richard would sell you Franklin for cheap!!!!!

Travest said...

And $1000 bucks is only the upfront cost....they sure are cute though.